16 Dicember
Fixed some grave bugs in Poster 1.0.4’s setup.
02 Dicember
Added three new poems.
04 November
This one is in English. The title is Trapped.
21 October
Added six (!) new poems.
19 October
After more than two months, the new release (1.0.4) of Poster is finally out. I also have some new poems, but I need to re–type them on the computer to upload them.
24 August
Added a poem whose title is Quel poco che di me è rimasto.
23 August
I’ve added a page explaining how this website works under the hood.
15 August
I’ve improved the backend of the website in order to be able to publish content in a faster and easier way; I plan to write a short description of the inner workings of the website for the curious ones. I’ve also added a new poem, Non può salvarti.
08 August
Another poem, Guerra. I’m taking a break from the development of Poster: the next release is planned to ship somewhere in the last half of September.
26 July
New poem: the title is Poiché.
19 July
Added the last poem I have written, Lacrime.
13 July
Published a new poem, Oggi, and released version 1.0.3 of Poster.
07 July
Applied the new layout.
05 July
Released version 1.0.2 of Poster. The new layout is ready, I only have to validate the code and to fix any error I might find.
30 June
Released Poster 1.0.1.
28 June
Added a new poem, Una mattina, and started a new blog, hosted on this same website and powered by Poster, my new software project. I’m working on a new layout for the whole website.
16 June
The updates are now stored in a separate section. I’ve started writing another novel, which goes by the tentative title of "Frammenti".
06 June
The ManaProject is currently on
hold due to lack of time and to the fact nobody is willing to take on
the graphic part. This website, since today, is using
PHP: all the pages
have now a .php
extension instead of the previous
extension, and some link could be broken.
27 April
I’ve started a new software project: it’s called ManaProject, and should eventually become a MMORPG.
17 April
Added two new poems: the former, Sonetto lussurioso, is inspired by the work of Pietro Aretino, while the latter, Presagi, is way more serious. I’ve also implemented a simple counter to get an idea of the number of people visiting this website.
07 April
Updated AFTA with the release of version 0.0.7. Many improvements, including partial support for locales.
30 March
Added today’s poem, Gioia.
26 March
Added a new poem, Per il cuore, written today.
25 March
Big changes! I’ve added a colorful layout to the website, based on a heavily–modified Splinder template. I’ve added a new short story, c = 30 km/h, and a new poem, La ragazza colorata. This poem is dedicated to nenicca, since I had the inspiration reading her blog.
20 March
Another poem: the title is Mentre scrivo.
18 March
Added a poem whose title is Storto e stupendo.
16 March
Published the latest poem I have written, yet again untitled: senza titolo.
11 March
Released AFTA 0.0.5, with a lot of improvements, but still far from being perfect.
10 March
Added the new poem Grazie, Buk, which I have written for the tenth anniversary of the death of Charles Bukowski. I’m working on the next release of AFTA, which should be ready within a short period of time, thanks to the friends of RiminiLUG.
08 March
Released the first version (0.0.3) of AFTA, my latest project. I’m willing to hear suggestions on how to improve it.
11 February
Added another poem – it seems that I’m unable to write anything else at the moment – whose title is Cielo grigio.
03 February
New poem, Io, un poeta?, written today.
09 January
Stopped working on the translation of this website, at least for now.
04 January
I’ve moved all the updates made last year to a different page; I’ve also fixed some miscellaneous errors.
01 January
Added a new untitled poem, senza titolo.