11 December
Uploaded a new, better structured CSS. I hope I’ll be able to improve also the structure of the pages themeselves soon.
24 October
Added again a section about ManaProject, which has seen a bit of activity lately.
15 October
Released Polyfortune version 0.0.5.
21 July
In time for its (almost) second birthday, Poster 1.0.8 has been released.
11 July
Finally uploaded the new backend scripts. The appareance of the site is still the same – except for the new colors – but the way it works is totally different now. I’ve corrected grammar errors everywhere and improved the typography of the whole site. I’ve also removed the book Jesus In Hell, because I have found out I don’t like it.
08 June
Removed the page listing all Poster–powered blog, because I can’t be bothered to keep it up–to–date.
25 April
Added a new poem, after a year without writing any. This doesn’t mean I’m going to write more. The title is Giuramento.
24 April
Updated Gina to version 0.9.1, with a lot of improvements.
18 April
Released the first version of Gina.
13 April
Poster 1.0.7, is out!
02 April
Released Beef 0.0.5 and Polyfortune 0.0.4.
10 March
Released version 0.0.4 of Beef.
08 March
Released Polyfortune 0.0.3.
28 February
Added a new software project, Polyfortune, which was really ready a couple months ago.
11 January
Updated all the pages to be more semantically correct. Added pagers almost everywhere, to make the navigation easier.